AAT Issues & Objections

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If your organisation is not satisfied with an audit or decision made by the ATO, you can contact us at Kennedy Tax & Business Services for assistance submitting an objection.

Our team can help and assisting with:

AAT Issues

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) conducts independent merits of review of administrative decisions made under Commonwealth laws. The AAT can only review decisions according to Acts or regulations. The Taxation Administration Act 1953 enables the AAT to review most taxation objection decisions.

Objecting an ATO decision

An objection must be lodged in writing (on a form or in a letter) within the required time limit. Time limits for lodging objections can vary and start from the date the assessment or notice of decision was given to you. There is no fee involved

An objection must:

A declaration must certify that the information and documents are true and correct in the following form:

Lodging an application

Any person affected by a small business taxation decision can apply for review by the AAT.

A standard application fee of $517 is required to lodge an application for review of a small business taxation decision. The AAT may dismiss your application if you do not pay the application fee within six weeks after lodging your application.

Applications to the AAT should be made in writing using the Application for Review of Decision form. You can submit your application by emailing, posting, or visiting one of the AAT offices.

Your application must be lodged within 60 days after you receive notice of the Commissioner’s decision.

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